Hi, I’m Jason Lange
I’m a men’s work facilitator and occasional filmmaker that is passionate about the intersection of media, technology, and human development.
This site is home to my personal blog and links to my film and men’s work on the web.

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13 months ago I stepped back into the gym for the first time in nearly 4 years.
I'm down 40 pounds of body fat as of early last week, which I celebrate by writing this post.
It’s been a great and illuminating learning experience, ...

I saw Chappie last weekend, which despite a lot of the negative reviews I found a pretty solid “mainstream” movie. It was flawed, and absolutely fell prey to normal big budget rocket, robot, and explosion juvenile male beats, but ...

5 years ago today I rolled into Los Angeles in the mighty Truckzilla. A full life in Boulder in my rear view mirror, a fuller life in LA ahead of me on the horizon. I was resistant to moving here for a long time, partially because ...

2014 was an interesting year for the cinema. Ticket sales were the lowest they’ve been in years, so as usual folks are again predicting the death of cinema. Yet, at the same time, Warner Bros and Universal had fantastic years so ...

Last week Facebook bought Oculus VR, the company that's been developing what many think is finally going to be the headset that brings VR mainstream. Oculus was already in a pretty exciting place, having raised $2,437,429 on ...

Another year and barrage of lists. 2013 ended up being a pretty fantastic year for cinema. Here's a brief list of my favorite films of 2013 that have stayed with me. (more…)