Hi, I’m Jason Lange
I’m a men’s work facilitator and occasional filmmaker that is passionate about the intersection of media, technology, and human development.
This site is home to my personal blog and links to my film and men’s work on the web.
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SPOILER WARNING! I had great fun watching LOGAN last week, as it got a few important things about super hero narratives right which I discuss in spoiler glory in the first half of the episode. Then I share about the power of social ...
In the realm of "life truths" and spiritual wisdom, one of the common ones I hear over and over is that you're the sum of the 5 people you surround yourself with.
This is totally partially true, and something I can mostly agree with. ...
Another film year has come and gone! I saw far fewer films in 2016 than I have in a good many years due to a much more travel filled life schedule! The fall came through strong though, with a few truly wonderful films that made the ...
Back from retreat I read a poem and then explore why this podcast is called Do the Evolution, which is both my path and artistic process. Then I close things out paying homage to the end of the age of infinity in my life, a ...
New FCC chairman Ajit Pai has already taken several actions since being appointed that indicate the battle of net neutrality may be starting up again. Listen in to find out why you should care.
In Episode 5, I talk about how I think SnapChatting is an emerging technological literacy, and one that all entrepreneurs and artists are increasingly going to need to know to master in our attention economy. In the second half of ...