Postmodern consciousness has fully descended in all four quadrants of reality creating something I’m calling the Postmodern Plague. All truth has been leveled, leaving a vacuum of shared reality. Social Media filter bubbles accelerate this by continually feeding us information from inside our bubble and pointing out how everything is “corrupt”. When we can no longer rely on sources of truth outside ourselves, all that is left is our internal experience, intuitions, and feelings.
This opens the door to spiritual narcissism – something I’d argue is sweeping consciousness communities in the overlap of conspiracy and pathological far-right ideologies. (Note, I do not personally believe all far-right thinking is pathological, just this sliver. I have a lot of respect for healthy libertarians.)
In this episode, I chat with Jeff Salzman and Nomali Perera over at The Daily Evolver to try to make sense of what’s going on.